巧克力cupcake做法 by jamma

0 人做过这道菜
how to make chocolate cupcake by Jamma


面粉 350g (1 1/3 cup+2 tbsp)
巧克力粉 60g (1/4 cup)
soda 1 tsp
1/2 tsp
黑巧克力chip 150g
wet part start from here咖啡 1cup
蔬菜油 425 ML (1 3/4 cups)
鸡蛋 3 large
butter milk 1cup

巧克力cupcake做法 by jamma的做法  

  1. mix all the dry part

  2. mix all the wet part

  3. dry to the wet
    160 度
    45 mins


巧克力cupcake做法 by jamma相关分类

该菜谱发布于 2015-10-25 11:22:57
8 收藏

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