芹菜香干Sautéed Celery with Dried Tofu Slices

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香芹Chinese Celery
熏干Smoked Bean curd
料酒cooking wine
生抽light soy sauce
胡椒粉pepper powder

芹菜香干Sautéed Celery with Dried Tofu Slices的做法  

  1. 将芹菜和香干切成长短粗细差不多的丝备用;Cut  the celery and dried bean curd into shreds about the same length.

  2. 炒锅倒油,大火,油热后用葱花呛锅,然后将芹菜丝和香干丝下锅翻炒;Pour salad oil into the Saute pan, fry the chopped garlic and green onion with hot oil, and then stir fry celery and smoked bean curd shred in the pan.

  3. 加盐、料酒、生抽,炒到芹菜丝略微变蔫即可;Add into salt, cooking wine and light soy sauce in right quantity, keep on stir frying until the celery turn slightly soft.

  4. 起锅装盘。Remove from pan, serve with celery leaves.

该菜谱发布于 2015-06-11 20:10:19
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