Korean Lettuce Salad 韩式沙拉菜

0 人做过这道菜


Green leaf lettuce(chopped to bite size pieces) 绿叶生菜 1 bunch
Garlic(minced) 蒜剁碎 2
Green onion(chopped) 葱剁碎 1
Onion(thinly sliced) 洋葱切细丝 ¼
Soy sauce 酱油 2 tbsp
Sugar 糖 1 tsp
White vinegar 白醋 1 tsp
Fish sauce 鱼露 1 tsp
Gochujang 韩国辣酱 1 tbsp
Red chili flakes 干红椒片 1 tsp
Sesame oil 芝麻油 1 tbsp
Sesame sedds 芝麻 1 tbsp

Korean Lettuce Salad 韩式沙拉菜的做法  

  1. Wash and drain the leaf lettuce. Chop or rip the leaves into bite size pieces; do not use the stems. Place into a bowl.生菜洗净沥干,去掉茎根,切成一口大小,放在碗中。

  2. In another bowl mix all the ingredients except the sesame seeds. Add the lettuce to the marinade and make sure all the leaves are coated.在另一个碗中放入除芝麻外的所有调料,然后放入生菜均匀搅拌后放入walk-in待用。

  3. Sprinkle with sesame seeds before serving. Keep cold. 食用时拿出拌好的生菜洒上芝麻。


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该菜谱发布于 2018-04-28 12:22:05
48 收藏

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