神奇的防癌蘆筍汁 Anti-cancer Magic Asparagus Juice

1 人做过这道菜
Everyday I heard that some friends are suffering from cancers. I have been wondering if the food can really make a difference in the fight against cancer. After some research and practices, we found out that Asparagus would play a significant role in helping patients get recovery no matter what stage. May this paper be gift to my Mom and dear friends.

   This magic soup learned from my Mom, has been recommended to my friends with diagnosed cancer. For example, breast cancer patients get 100% recovery. Their healthy smile are best rewards.


芦笋 10-15根
1600 ml 毫升
搅汁机 1个

神奇的防癌蘆筍汁 Anti-cancer Magic Asparagus Juice的做法  

  1. 1) Rinse the fresh aparagus

       Asparagus is a garden plant belonging to Lily family. Research shows that Asparagus has very strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant nutrient composition. We would expect it is a risk reducer for a variety  of cancer types.  More benefit details can be seen in http://www.whfoods.org.
    芦笋属于百合花科的庭院植物。研究表明芦笋具有非常强的抗炎性和抗氧化的营养成分。我们预期它可以有效降低患癌的几率。它的更多疗效可参见 http://www.whfoods.org

    神奇的防癌蘆筍汁 Anti-cancer Magic Asparagus Juice的做法 步骤1
  2. Cut them in to small pieces

    神奇的防癌蘆筍汁 Anti-cancer Magic Asparagus Juice的做法 步骤2
  3. 3) Add small pieces of Asparagus to the boiling water. 將小段蘆筍倒入沸水中煮

    神奇的防癌蘆筍汁 Anti-cancer Magic Asparagus Juice的做法 步骤3
  4. 4)Boil water and asparagus for about 8 minutes till it turns to green and tender.

    神奇的防癌蘆筍汁 Anti-cancer Magic Asparagus Juice的做法 步骤4
  5. 5) Add both water and tender Asparagus to Mixer. Mix for 2-3 minutes.

    神奇的防癌蘆筍汁 Anti-cancer Magic Asparagus Juice的做法 步骤5
  6. 6) Pour Asparagus Juice to cup. Yes, we can make it!

    神奇的防癌蘆筍汁 Anti-cancer Magic Asparagus Juice的做法 步骤6
  7. A brief summary card for you. Hope you enjoy the fresh magic juice and get better recovery soon. :D

    神奇的防癌蘆筍汁 Anti-cancer Magic Asparagus Juice的做法 步骤7
  8. 「喜楽的心乃是良藥」—箴言17-22

    更多相關信息參見,More can be seen via https://www.meipian.cn/hgkeq2?from=groupmessage&isappinstalled=0

    神奇的防癌蘆筍汁 Anti-cancer Magic Asparagus Juice的做法 步骤8


Magic Asparagus Juice: 魔術蘆筍汁

Prepare time 5 minutes, cook for 20minutes.
準備時間:5分鐘, 製作時間:20分鐘

Best Wishes for you and your family:
A Healthy, Happy and Prosperous 2017!

Sponsored by Mei's family

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神奇的防癌蘆筍汁 Anti-cancer Magic Asparagus Juice相关分类

该菜谱发布于 2017-08-28 11:21:31
29 收藏

神奇的防癌蘆筍汁 Anti-cancer Magic Asparagus Juice的答疑

  • 晶晶姑娘-  2019-04-29  
    作者回复 2019-04-29  
