
0 人做过这道菜


面粉 1 1/2杯
泡打粉 3 1/2tsp
1 tsp
1 tbsp
牛奶 1 1/4 cup
鸡蛋 1个
黄油 3 tbsp


  1. In a large bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, salt and sugar. Make a well in the center and pour in the milk, egg and melted butter; mix until smooth.

  2. Heat a lightly oiled griddle or frying pan over medium high heat. Pour or scoop the batter onto the griddle, using approximately 1/4 cup for each pancake. Brown on both sides and serve hot.

该菜谱发布于 2019-05-22 08:24:53
1 收藏


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