One Pot Korean Stew

1 人做过这道菜
Substitute with any protein.


洋葱 1个
大蒜 5瓣
土豆 1个
酱油 half cup
鸡胸 2
Glass Noodle handful
Cooking Wine half tbsp
2-3 stalks
half cup
Sesame oil 1 tbsp
Korean Chili powder 2 tbsp
Gochujang 1 tbsp
Black Pepper pinch
Sugar 4 tsp

One Pot Korean Stew的做法  

  1. Cut chicken breast into big chunks, soak glass noodle till soft, cut onion and potato into chunks, cut green onion into 3.

  2. Prepare marinade, mix soy sauce, water, sesame oil, cooking wine, Korean chili powder, Gochujang, black pepper and sugar. Mince garlic and ginger mix well.

  3. Grill chicken breast with canola oil a pinch of sesame oil until brown. Add onion into it and stir. Add marinade close lid mid fire boil 10 mins. Add potato continue cooking for another 10 mins. Add glass noodle cook for 5-8 mins. Open lid add salt/sugar to taste.

  4. Garnish with green onion slices.

  5. Done

    One Pot Korean Stew的做法 步骤5

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该菜谱发布于 2018-07-07 12:11:46
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