Easy Turkey Curry

0 人做过这道菜
(Ready in about 1 hour | Servings 4)   Ginger powder is loaded with health benefits, while a curry paste makes your food tastes so good. You can also add herbed salt, paprika, chives, and other spice blends.

Per serving:
295 Calories;
19.5g Fat;
2.9g Carbs;
0g Fiber;
25.5g Protein;
3.1g Sugars


sesame oil 芝麻油 3 teaspoons 茶匙
turkey wings, boneless and chopped 火鸡翅去骨剁碎 1 pound 磅
garlic, finely chopped 蒜末 2 cloves 瓣
red chili pepper, minced 红辣椒末 1 small-sized 小的
turmeric powder 姜黄 1/2 teaspoon 茶匙
ginger powder 姜粉 1/2 teaspoon 茶匙
red curry paste 红咖喱酱 1 teaspoon 茶匙
unsweetened coconut milk, preferably homemade 无糖自制椰奶 1 cup 杯
water 水 1/2 cup 杯
turkey consommé 火鸡清汤 1/2 cup 杯
Kosher salt and ground black pepper 盐和黑胡椒 to taste 适量

Easy Turkey Curry的做法  

  1. Heat sesame oil in a sauté pan. Add the turkey and cook until it is light brown about 7 minutes.

  2. Add garlic, chili pepper, turmeric powder, ginger powder, and curry paste and cook for 3 minutes longer.

  3. Add the milk, water, and consommé. Season with salt and black pepper. Cook for 45 minutes over medium heat. Bon appétit!


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该菜谱发布于 2020-07-01 08:32:41
3 收藏

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