Plum Crumble

0 人做过这道菜
A perennially popular dessert in England🍰


plums 450g
brown sugar 50g
lemon juice one bottle
plain flour 50g
oats some
cold water some

Plum Crumble的做法  

  1. Prepare some plain flour, stir in the sugar, water and lemon juice.

    Plum Crumble的做法 步骤1
  2. Preheat the oven to 200℃, put the plums in a large pan over a medium heat. Place the crumble ingredients in a bowl and mix it.

    Plum Crumble的做法 步骤2
  3. Bake in the preheated oven for 20 minutes. Finished now!

    Plum Crumble的做法 步骤3

Plum Crumble相关分类

该菜谱发布于 2018-12-03 04:27:18
11 收藏

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