Fennel Soup

2 人做过这道菜
"This soup is so easy to prepare and tastes better than most soups you could buy. Mild onion and anise flavored - it's awesome!"
球茎茴香 学名Foeniculum dulce D.C.,英文名Florence Fennel,别名意大利茴香、甜茴香,为伞形花科茴香属茴香种的一个变种。


1/4 cup butter
salt and pepper to taste
fennel bulbs, trimmed and quartered 5
container vegetable broth 1 (32 fluid ounce)

Fennel Soup的做法  

  1. Melt the butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the quartered fennel bulbs; cook and stir until golden brown, about 10 minutes. 加入融化的黄油在一个大煎锅,用中火加热。添加切好的茴香;煮,搅拌至金黄色,大约10分钟。

  2. Pour in the broth, and simmer until fennel is tender, about 15 more minutes. Ladle into soup bowls, and season with salt and pepper. 倒入高汤,煮直到茴香是变软,大约15分钟。将汤盛到碗里,用盐和胡椒调味。

参照这个菜谱,大家做出 4 作品

该菜谱发布于 2016-11-19 03:03:15
22 收藏

Fennel Soup的答疑

  • Trouble...  2022-10-01  
    作者回复 2022-10-16  
