德国酥饼 German Cookies

6 人做过这道菜


有盐黄油 Salted Butter 125g
糖粉 Icing Sugar 40g
马铃薯粉 Potato Starch 125g
特幼面粉/低筋面粉 Superfine / Cake Flour 80g

德国酥饼 German Cookies的做法  

  1. 把材料都准备好。
    Prepare all the ingredients.

    德国酥饼 German Cookies的做法 步骤1
  2. 将黄油打发至蓬松。
    Beat the butter until fluffy.

    德国酥饼 German Cookies的做法 步骤2
  3. 筛入糖粉。
    Sift in icing sugar.

    德国酥饼 German Cookies的做法 步骤3
  4. 稍微把糖粉和黄油混合,打发至稍微发白。
    Roughly mix icing sugar with butter and beat until slightly pale and fluffy.

    德国酥饼 German Cookies的做法 步骤4
  5. 筛入面粉,用刮刀混合均匀。
    Sift in flour and use spatula to mix until well combined.

    德国酥饼 German Cookies的做法 步骤5
  6. 把面团搓成大概7-8克的小球状。
    Roll to small ball around 7-8g.

    德国酥饼 German Cookies的做法 步骤6
  7. 用叉压扁小球成形,放进烤箱170°C烤15分钟。
    Use fork to press down the small ball for shape and bake at 170°C for 15 mins.

    德国酥饼 German Cookies的做法 步骤7
  8. 饼干烤完后就待凉收进罐子里。
    Let the cookies cool down and keep inside a container.

    德国酥饼 German Cookies的做法 步骤8


* 黄油提前室温软化
* 如果用无盐黄油可以稍微加点盐调味
* 将糖粉混合后才打发以免糖粉满天飞
* 每个烤箱都不一样,要自行调整
* 饼干不需要烤至金黄色,大概烤至米黄色即可
* 如果不要用170°C就要烤久一点:比如150°C就要考大概20分钟

* Butter must be in room temperature
* Can slightly add salt if using unsalted butter
* Mix well the icing sugar with butter in order to avoid messy
* Every oven is different, temperature need to be self-adjusting
* Cookies does not require to bake until golden brown, slightly beige colour will do
* If you do not bake at 170°C then is necessary to bake a little longer. example : 150°C need to bake around 20 mins.

参照这个菜谱,大家做出 6 作品



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该菜谱发布于 2016-09-26 05:26:11
204 收藏


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